Monday, November 1, 2010

Diet Tip #3

First of all, let me be honest.  This tip is REALLY hard for me.

Diet Tip #3:  weigh ONCE a week!  I tend to want to weigh EVERY day so I can make sure what I am doing is working, but it's not a good idea.  Your weight can fluctuate from day to day.  One day you might be up a pound, and then the next day be down 2.  You can easily get discouraged from the day to day changes, so force yourself (like I do) to only weigh once a week.  If you have to, put the scale away to avoid temptation.

It's best to be consistent and weigh the SAME day, wearing the SAME thing at the SAME time once a week.  For example, I weigh every Sunday at 9am wearing what the Lord gave me!  (TMI right?)  DON'T drink or eat before you weigh and make sure you make a visit to the porcelian throne!

I admit, I have weighed during the week occasionally, but it always frustrates me, so just don't do it!  Leave it to once a week--the pounds lost will be higher which makes it that much more exciting!

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