Tuesday, November 2, 2010

3 weeks into my weight loss...

It's interesting...

Since I started WW and started really, REALLY trying to lose weight (for good this time!) I feel different about ME.  I have a terrible self esteem stemming all the way back to when I was a kid, and for once, I feel proud of myself.

I can drive past places like McDonalds, Del Taco, Arctic Circle (all of which are within 5 minutes of my house) and I don't want to stop and get something to eat.  It used to be my favorite thing to do.  If I was out and about, I'd always think in my head, "I'll just stop by Wendy's and get a hamburger".  And now?  I wouldn't dream of stopping!

Yesterday I had rehearsal at 5:30 for the play I am in, and so knowing this I planned ahead.  I went to Subway and got a foot long Veggie sandwich and had half for lunch and saved the other half for dinner.  Everyone else at rehearsal brought pizza or hamburgers, and I was content with my sandwich.  It tasted delicious AND it was only 5 points on WW.

It feels awesome knowing I am taking care of ME and my family.  My kids comment daily about how good dinner has been and that makes me feel like a good mom.  For too long, we were eating out and had terrible eating habits, and now, we are eating healthy.  I don't want my kids to go through what I am, so knowing I am teaching them good eating habits makes me feel like an even better mom!

I feel good!  And that's awesome!

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