Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Okay, so...

Today wasn't my best day.  I didn't eat "badly", I just didn't really eat very well.  For example:  for breakfast I had a bagel thin with cream cheese--pretty good.  Then I had one cinnamon pull-apart and a handful of crackers.  Still okay.  Then a string cheese.  Lunchtime passed and I hadn't eaten--NOT GOOD!  I picked kids up from school and on the way home I stopped and got a Minute Maid Lite (only 5 calories) and a bag of Baked Lays.  Okay choice, but still, nothing substantial.  I got home and had  a bowl of Progresso Soup which is low in points, so that's good, but it was 4:00 in the afternoon.

I had to get to rehearsal at 7:00, but needed to leave at 6:15 to run to the store first, so I left without eating.  At rehearsal I ate a banana, a cup of sugar free pudding and a 100 calorie pack of Cheese-Its.  Still good choices, but basically snacking.  When I got home at almost 10:00 I was hungry so I ate a Lean Cuisine Pizza which was tasty, but an awfully late dinner.

So...it wasn't my best day BUT, I'm proud that I made good food choices and didn't go off the program like I so easily could have.  Tomorrow is a new day and it will be a good one!

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