Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I have been overweight my ENTIRE life. 

I was a chubby toddler and people would say, "Awww, how cute.  Look at those chubby legs!"  Then I became a plump kid and people would say, "Awww, how cute.  Look at those cheeks!"  Then, I became a fat teenager and people would say, "How did you get so fat?"  Then I became an obese adult and I stopped listening to what people were saying. Not so cute anymore.

I have struggled and struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember.  To be honest, I don't remember one morning when I didn't wake up with the obession of losing weight on my mind.  I can't eat this...I can't eat that...Don't eat between meals...Don't take a second portion...I am constantly punishing myself in my head.  I don't think anyone is more cruel to me than I am.  I am seriously my own worst critic.

I've tried diet after diet and believe me, they DO work.  The problem is I give up and then gain all my weight (and plus some ) back.  I even went so far as to have lap band surgery.  Holy crap, that is a nightmare in itself.  But the point is, I am starting over.  Again.

BUT, all that is behind me now!  I am starting over with a new and improved attitude, and THIS time, I am gonna do it!  Of all the diets I've tried (I've tried a lot!) I like Weight Watchers the best.  I joined Weight Watchers online because I am a busy mom of 4, PLUS I babysit 5 kids every day.  I don't have a lot of extra time. offical start date was: Sunday, October 10, 2010.  I'm not comfortable enough yet to post my starting weight, so I'll add that later.

So...that's the short version of my story.  I am in this to win it, and I'll keep you posted!

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