Thursday, October 14, 2010

Diet Tip #2

Yesterday and today have really been good days!  Yay me!  I've stuck to the WW plan perfectly and I have felt completely satisfied at every meal.  I've gotten a bit peckish between meals, but I tried to make some good decisions as to what I ate and at the end of the day, I feel proud of ME!  *pats self on the back*

Okay, so I have another diet tip.  This one I used last night. 

Diet Tip #2: Measure EVERYTHING!  I used to eyeball my measurements and I'm here to tell you that JUST doesn't work.  For example:  last night for dinner we had spaghetti.  On WW you can have a 1c. of spaghetti and it is 4 points and 1/2 c. of spaghetti sauce is 2 points.  I measured a cup of spaghetti and it was actually a lot more than I thought it would be.  I also measured the spaghetti sauce and it ended up being WAY too much.  Next time I'll just use 1/4 cup.

You can very easily overeat as well as undereat by not measuring your food.  I know it's easier to just estimate, but it only takes a moment to quickly measure your food.  I have a set of measuring cups that I just leave sitting out on the counter so that I don't have to go digging through the drawers in my kitchen.  It's super quick and easy...AND...I know I am eating the right amount!

Good luck!  Cheers!

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