Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Diet Tip #1

I will have dozens of tips as I go, I'm sure.  But I wanted to share one I used today. 

Diet Tip #1:  Plan ahead!  Today I was out on some errands, and I knew I was going to get hungry while I was out.  My favorite thing to do when I'm rushing around is grab a sandwich at Arby's and a Jamocha shake.  Ohhhh girls--have you ever tried a Jamocha shake at Arby's?  They are to DIE for! 


That's now how I think anymore so...before I left home I grabbed a Strawberry Special K Bar.  On WW they are only 2 points and they are SO good!  They don't taste like cardboard and they are super sweet.  I feel like I'm having a real treat when I eat one.

AND...Since I did so well and didn't get any kind of food while I was out, I stopped and got me a Diet Dr Pepper!  The perfect compliment to my tasty snack!

So make sure you plan ahead.  Leave some snacks in your purse, in the glove box or by the door so you'll see them when you leave.  Don't sabotoge all of your hard work!

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